Sunday, August 10, 2014

What is a Rishi mind?

Those involved in writing the constitution should have a heart that is of a Rishi or sage and they should think far ahead, were the words of wisdom parliamentarians and the constitution makers of Nepal from Narendra Damodar Modi, the Indian Prime Minister. Such words are not generally expected from politicians and so called modern leaders. In fact, these words are in direct contradiction to the mass psychology that spirituality motivates people to abandon their homes and social responsibilities. For ages, spirituality has been blamed for inspiring inactivity and lethargy in people.

However great a science or a philosophy may be, it loses it lustre when it falls into the hands of wrong people. This is what had happened to spirituality when it attracted two types of people – the ignorant superstitious masses who replicated everything without understanding the essence and the pundits and priests who used the principles for their own personal gains. Any great disciple – whether arts, music, spirituality or science – reaches its climax with only intelligent, smart and truthful people who understand the core principles and have become living examples of the underlying philosophy.

Let us now examine why only a “rishi” mind can perform an act of greatness with far-reaching consequence. A sage is is one who has freed himself from all negativity of life, such as greed, fear, anger, hatred, and partiality. This he does by practising rigorous self-discipline combined with right thinking, right action and right living. He is concerned more with the welfare of society than about achieving his own trivial personal gains and about meeting personal selfish desires prompted by ego.

A sage is one who has reached a stage where service to society is the only goal of life. such a stage of purity and silence help to develop an inner self that is free from negative thoughts and worries and that is fully motivated to perform actions without greed and attachment. This in turn gives rise to a very strong, focused and dedicated mind. They live through inspiration not perspiration. Their mind is utterly free to understand the world’s problems and come out with creative solutions. These solutions are free from any personal bias, greed and ulterior motive.

In this way they are able to bridge past, present and future. In fact, such leaders are the ones who can envisage the right future, think through the right means to be there, and wholeheartedly perform actions to achieve desired objectives. They understand the difference between needs and wants and their action always matches their intention. Since they live a simple and truthful life, their words and promises can be relied upon.

In effect, we are now looking for the flavour Buddha in the leaders of Gautam Buddha’s own country. Although beyond the reach of many, this is not altogether unattainable. At a time when we are writing our own constitution, we expect our leaders to be sage-like, and use this opportunity to give the best to our country.

By LP Bhanu Sharma

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